Things are just getting started…
Are you lusting after your sweetheart, trying to convince your sweetie that you’re the one? The perfect song for this stage in your hoped-for-relationship? “Can I Steal a Little Love.” Taking into consideration that stealing is technically illegal in all 50 states, the song promises that if the object of desire can prove the theft was wrong, the singer will give it back (but not before begging to be hugged, squeezed, and walked down the aisle).
Things are perfect…
You’re in love and things are going great? Well, that’s…. great! “My Girl Tonight” is the song for you. Don’t be fooled by the insinuation that this is just for tonight. This song takes you from your first kiss to your wedding to beyond. And who doesn't want a devotee who will follow “blindly where you go?” Put this one on repeat. Go ahead, swoon to the croon.
Things have gone sour…
Have you just broken up with your paramour? If so, you may be wondering what you’ll do now. Take a listen to “What’ll I Do.” It won’t provide you with any answers, but it will certainly remind you that you’re now stuck pining away after photographs and dreams. That’s tough stuff, but after a break up, do you really want to listen to happy music? Enter “One for My Baby,” where the “end of a brief episode” calls for music that’s “easy and sad.” And also several adult beverages.
Here’s hoping your Valentine’s Day finds you holding hands with the object of your affection. But, if not, console yourself with some good music and some candy hearts. Maybe some chocolate, too.